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Mandatory Quiz
Each student is required to complete the following safety module quiz once they have fully read through the safety rules and requirements below. The student has three (3) chances to earn a perfect score on the quiz or they will be deemed ineligible to use any of the micromobility modes of transportation around campus. Click on the link to take the quiz:
Operating a Micromobility Mode of Transportation on Campus
While operating any micromobility mode of transportation, the operator must travel on the road while following the rules of the road at all times, exactly like a car driver. On-campus all micromobility vehicles must go under 15 miles per hour to ensure the safety of the pedestrians and the operator as well. At the many stop signs on campus, the operator of the micromobility mode of transportation must put one foot fully on the ground and the momentum of the micromobility scooter or bike must stop forward progress. An image of the “Foot-on-the-ground” rule is pictured to the right.

Similarly to that, while operating a micromobility mode on campus, if the micromobility mode does not have turn signals (many do not), then the operator must signal any turn or merge by sticking their arms out perpendicular to their body in the direction they wish to go. Clear examples of this can be found below:

It is REQUIRED by all micromobility users on campus to abide by the rules of the road and operate the micromobility vehicle using the methods and rules described above. Any infractions that are witnessed will be documented by the micromobility enforcement team and written down as a citation, and after 3 citations the perpetrator's eligibility to use micromobility on campus will be reviewed.
It is important to understand how and where to park your micromobility modes of transportation on and off campus. On-campus, these parking areas are normally denoted by a painted white rectangle with an e-scooter outline in the middle. Oftentimes these zones are found on sidewalks by buildings, and frequently they are near the bike racks for those buildings as well, however, specific locations can be found looking at the parking map found under the “Maps” tab. General rules for parking include:
Don’t block sidewalks, curb cuts, access ramps, doors, bus stops, and traffic.
If parking on a sidewalk, make sure you leave enough room for a wheelchair or stroller to get by – at least three feet.
Make sure the kickstand is securely in the down position to keep the scooter or bike upright.
Avoid uneven surfaces like gravel, grass, or steep inclines.
Park scooters and bikes within a designated marked parking zone or near a scooter/bike rack.
Without properly parking your scooter or bike, you are leaving the other students and faculty at risk of injuring themselves, and more importantly, leaves you liable for any injuries. Improper parking can result in a citation from micromobility enforcement.
The use of micromobility modes of transportation will be monitored and enforced similarly to the enforcement of cars on campus. The enforcement team will be a mix of students and faculty/staff that will be traveling around campus with an e-scooter or e-bike to monitor locations around campus where there are frequent traffic infractions. Citations will be distributed to students who are seen breaking the rules and regulations for micro-mobility transportation modes on campus. The enforcement team will be required to witness the infraction and then interact with the perpetrator to explain the infraction and distribute the citation. Enforcements will be tracked based on student ID and serial numbers for rented micromobility vehicles. After receiving 2 citations, the third citation will result in a review of the student’s eligibility to use micro-mobility modes on campus.
If you are interested in being paid part-time over the semester as a member of the Micromobility Enforcement Team please email with your UID included.
While abiding by the rules of the road when operating your micromobility mode of transportation it is equally as important to follow the micromobility signage on campus. This means, that on top of following the traffic signage for vehicles, any additional traffic signage specifically for micromobility must also be followed. All micromobility users must follow traffic signage at all times while operating a micromobility vehicle. Some examples of micromobility signage on campus are:

From Left to Right: a) signage for sidewalks where micromobility modes of transportation are prohibited; b) Micromobility yield to pedestrians; c) Share the road sign for cars, bikes, e-scooters, e-bikes, skateboards, etc.; d) stop sign for micromobility modes of transportation
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